Easy Free Knit Bracelet Patterns

Easy Free Crochet Bracelet Patterns

Do you ever see jewelry items at a market, bazaar, or antique store and think, “I could make that”? Oftentimes, artists borrow from what they see and use it to make their own creations. If you’ve ever taken inspiration from elsewhere to further your creative endeavors, you might want to take a look at these crochet bracelets and see how you can modify them to match your style. Easily customized, simple and quick to make, these bracelets are sure to be your new favorite accessory.

Let’s Yarnify! Is a site dedicated to original crochet and amigurumi patterns – if this is the type of project you love, be sure and follow Let’s Yarnify! on social media (BlogLovin’, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook), or purchase one of their books (there are four advertised on the website, three of which are specifically for amigurumi patterns – the other is for things like gloves, hats, and scarves).

Whether you’ve done cable knit patterns before or you’re interested in starting a cable knit project, this bracelet is a good fit for everyone. It’s small enough to avoid being frustrating to the beginner, and interesting enough to keep a more advanced knitter interested.

To make the cable knit bracelet, you’ll need 5mm knitting needles, a cable needle, a sewing needle, scissors, and yarn (the pattern suggests using something like Creative Cotton or Double Thread Catania). You’ll also need to decide which bracelet you want to make – or at least which one you plan on making first. There are four options available, the Small Cable Bracelet, the Large Cable Bracelet, the Ring Cable Bracelet, and the Braided Cable Bracelet (if you’re a beginner, the best option would be the Large Cable Bracelet – and if you’re more advanced, try the Ring Cable Bracelet).

The only stitches you’ll need to know are knit, purl, and various combinations of cable stitches, which are explained in detail on the side of the pattern (Cable 4 Front, Cable 4 Back, Cable 6 Front, and Cable 6 Back). There are also notes about how to close the bracelets, but of course you can choose how you close each of them up depending on the look you’re going for, whether you decide to tie it, sew it, or attach some jewelry endings. The pattern recommends doing the kitchener stitch, which you can find tutorials for online (both written and video instructions).

If you find you enjoy making these bracelets, you are allowed to sell the finished products, but be sure and give the creator credit for the pattern. You are not allowed to share the pattern unless linking back to the original page. Please also take your own pictures if you are posting about your results with the pattern.

Want to make your own set of cozy bracelets for the fall? You can find the pattern at Sascha’s Let’s Yarnify! site – it’s a PDF you can print out or save to your computer for your convenience (While the original pattern on the site is not in English, the PDF pattern is available in English). Be sure to check out Sascha’s shop, free patterns, and tutorials – there might be other projects on there that you want to try!